Israeli & Jewish SEO & Digital Marketing Freelancer

Get More Customers. Spend Less on Marketing. (Yes, It's Possible!)

I Create High-Impact Digital Marketing and SEO Strategies for Business Owners in the USA and Israel. Let’s Drive Real Growth for your Business. 

Hire a Top-Ranked SEO Consultant to Drive Organic Traffic & Leads

Are you tired of your website languishing on page 10 of Google?

Many businesses struggle to get seen online, despite investing in marketing. Your website might not be ranking well or converting visitors into leads.

That’s where I come in. I’m Zechariah Tokar, a results-driven SEO and digital marketing expert with a proven track record of success. I help businesses in Israel and America achieve significant growth through innovative Local SEO strategies and Expert SEO Services.

Stop Wasting Money on Marketing That Doesn't Work.

Running a small business is hard enough. 

Juggling a million tasks, from managing inventory to dealing with customers – and now you’re expected to be a digital marketing and SEO expert too? It can be overwhelming. 

You’ve tried it all…

Spending thousands of dollars on expensive agencies with nothing to show for it but vague reports, broken promises, and feeling like you have been ‘taken for a ride.’

Cookie-cutter strategies that don’t consider your unique business needs or educate you on WHY this approach is better vs. another. 

The result? Wasted time, wasted money, and missed opportunities.

What you need is affordable, customised marketing solutions designed to get you real results – without the headache.

That’s precisely where I can help. 

Your Strategic Advantage in SEO & Digital Marketing

My approach is centered around collaboration and transparency. I work closely with you to understand your business goals, target audience, and budget. Then, I create a customised marketing plan that aligns with your needs. 

Here's what you can expect:

Whether you’re looking for targeted technical services or comprehensive management and guidance, I offer packages catering to your needs.

Proven Results & Expertise in SEO and Digital Marketing

Just take a look at some of the highly profitable, high-ROI results my clients have earned lately.

With my guidance, you’ll see measurable improvements in your bottom line and gain a deeper understanding of the strategies that drive your success.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Local SEO Specialist Today!

What Sets Me Apart:

Local SEO Expertise

I'm constantly at the forefront of new Local SEO tactics and digital marketing strategies, ensuring your business gets seen by the customers who matter most in your local area.

Data-Driven Approach

I leverage analytics to optimize your digital presence and performance, ensuring your campaigns deliver measurable results.

Custom Strategies

I create personalized SEO and digital marketing plans tailored to your specific customer avatars, business goals and industry.

Focus on ROI

My goal is to help you achieve a strong return on investment through effective SEO and marketing strategies.

My Comprehensive Local SEO Services to Fuel Your Growth:

Local SEO Strategy & Optimization

I'll develop a localized on-page SEO strategy targeting your ideal audience, improve site structure and speed, and craft a backlink strategy to enhance domain authority.

PPC Campaign Management

I'll create high-performing PPC campaigns across platforms like Facebook, tailoring ad creatives and copy for optimal engagement and conversion rates.

Strategic Email Marketing

I'll design and implement email marketing campaigns with segmentation, personalized content, and A/B testing to increase customer engagement and drive repeat business.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

I'll analyze your website and identify areas for improvement to maximize conversions and sales.

Content Marketing

I can help you create high-quality content that attracts your target audience and improves your website's ranking in search results.

Google Analytics Expertise

I'll use Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and campaign performance, providing you with valuable insights for optimization.

Ready to Unleash the Power of Local SEO & Digital Marketing for Your Business?

Contact Zechariah Today for a Personalized Marketing Consultation

How It Works

P.S. I’m also a highly adaptable and results-oriented individual with a strong background in finance and data analysis. This unique combination allows me to approach your marketing strategy with a keen eye for detail and a focus on maximizing return on investment.

What My Clients Say


We start with a brainstorming session to understand your vision, followed by drafting a clear, engaging script tailored to your audience.

We provide in-depth analysis of your video’s performance, including retention graphs, keyword rankings, and overall channel growth.

Results vary, but most clients see significant improvements in views and engagement within 1-3 months.